Priestory bratislavskej Fugy privítajú Barbellay a jej tekno, trance a psytrance, Spacerovu elektroniku, techno a industrial a LemonWhore s technom, neotrance a darkpsy. Počas akcie sa bude konať aj krátka prehliadka, kde sa predstaví najnovšia „extravagantná“ a „udržateľná“ kolekcia Resurrection.
Bude taktiež možné si zakúpiť kúsky, ktoré uvidíte na prehliadke rovno na mieste. 

Dress code: čierna, BDSM, rave
Line Up:
☆ BARBELLAY – psytrance/tekno/trance
☆ SPACER – electronic/techno/industrial
☆ LEMON WHORE – psytrance/darkpsy/neotrance
☆ BARBELLAY – psytrance/tekno/trance
☆ SPACER – electronic/techno/industrial
☆ LEMON WHORE – psytrance/darkpsy/neotrance
On Saturday, June 4th a new concept [CR: AVE] is being held in conjunction with the cyber society brand.
Event venue Fuga will host Barbellay and her tekno, trance and psytrance, Spacer’s electro, techno and industrial and LemonWhore with techno, neotrance and darkpsy.
A special part of this event will be a fashion show with the latest „extravagant“ and „sustainable“ Resurrection collection.
You’ll be also able to purchase all the unique pieces from the show on the spot. 

Dress code: black, BDSM, rave
Line Up:
☆ BARBELLAY – psytrance/tekno/trance
☆ SPACER – electro/techno/industrial
☆ LEMON WHORE – psytrance/darkpsy/neotrance
☆ BARBELLAY – psytrance/tekno/trance
☆ SPACER – electro/techno/industrial
☆ LEMON WHORE – psytrance/darkpsy/neotrance