Skoré 90te roky. Opustený warehouse plný tancujúcich ľudí. Vo vzduchu cítiť pot a nadšenie. Acid house sa valí z nadrozmerného soundsystému. Rôznorodý dav spája neskrývaná sloboda, pocit jednoty a veľké žlté smajlíky. Spoločná eufória. Začiatok revolúcie.
To je atmosféra, z ktorej čerpá Nathan Micay. Kanadský DJ a producent udomácnený v Berlíne vracia dancefloor tam, kde to všetko začalo. Ecstacy is on Maple Mountain.
Extaticky kozmické, melodické tracky na hranici techna, trance a housu. Resurekcia ranného raveu. Whities, LuckyMe, Schvitz. Berghain / Panorama Bar, Corsica Studios, Contact Tokyo. Akira, manga, sci-fi. Avalon Emerson essential mix. Nathan Micay, pôvodne známy pod pseudonymom Bwana, je najviac fit DJ v hre. #sweat
Early 90s. Abandoned warehouse full of dancing people. Sweat and excitement is in the air. Acid house blasting from a gigantic soundsystem. Diverse crowd brought together by freedom, unity and big yellow smilies. Pure euphoria. Beginning of a revolution.
This is the where Nathan Micay comes from. Canadian DJ and producent, currently based in Berlin, returns dancefloors where it all began. Ecstacy is on Maple Mountain.
Ecstatically cosmic, melodic tracks on the borderline of techno, trance a house. Resurrection of early rave. Whities, LuckyMe, Schvitz. Berghain / Panorama bar, Corsica Studios, Contact Tokyo. Akira, manga, sci-fi. Avalon Emerson essential mix. Nathan Micay, formerly known as Bwana, is the fittest DJ in the game. #sweat
Nathan Micay / Whities, LuckyMe, ESP Institute, Berlin
Michael Priest / Hochspannung!
Bad Mojo / Hochspannung!
CLV / BassTransmission
Lights by CTRL_space
13. 12. (Friday)
FUGA, 22:00 – 05:30
8 €