V sobotu sa vo Fuge uskutoční prvá séria prednášok od @liberateordie na témy Animal Liberation Front a problémy, s ktorými sa aktivisti stretávajú a ako ich prekonať.
Súčasťou bude aj slovenská premiéra dokumentárneho filmu The Animal People producenta Joaquina Phoenixa, po ktorom bude nasledovať otvorená diskusia.
Prednášky vrátane filmu budú v anglickom jazyku. Druhá séria prednášok sa uskutoční na druhý deň vo Viedni.
Location: Bratislava. VENUE TBC
Time: TBC
Location: Vienna. Kaleidoskop, Schönbrunner Straße 91, 1050, Wien.
Time: 13:00
We are super excited to announce a whole week of talks and Skillshare hosted in both Vienna and Bratislava.
We aren’t shy to recognise that we did not know both cities were so close together, so after talking with activists from the area we decided to host a whole weekend event shared between both cities so folks who cannot travel still have the option to come one of the days but folks that are able to can come to both locations. The weekend its designed to have certain continuity but you will not be lost if you can only come for one day!
Check the timetable for both days below:
Saturday 8th:
– WHO ARE THE ALF?: “Arguably the most widespread direct action group in the world, the ALF has saved an uncountable number of animal lives. How do they organize?
What tactics do they use and how do they correlate to overground AR? Why all the security culture around it?”
“What problems does anyone face when deciding to take action? How do we overcome them? We analyse the past to learn how other people took action and what it took for them to do so, as well as learning that everything is possible if you put your mind to it.”
– SCREENING + OPEN DISCUSSION: (maybe Behind the Mask, or if people haven’t watched it yet, The animal People, or If a tree Falls, or maybe we can analyse the soon-to-come new documentary by We Animals).
Sunday 9th:
– SECURITY CULTURE FOR THE CONSCIOUS ACTIVIST: „With the growth in vegan activism in the recent years, a considerably higher number of underground actions has been noticed, not only within the underground scene, but also by ‚law enforcement‘. We will attempt to discuss tactics, good praxis and advice for anyone (yes, even overground activists!) to avoid being targeted by the filth, to not make things easily accessible to information gatherers and to not fall for state paranoia.“
– GETTING INTO PLACES AND CAUSING HAVOCK, A LOOK TO THE PAST: „How did people get into labs? How does someone get into sheds, or into a slaughterhouse? Leave your lock picks at home, we are going to check the toilet windows!“
– VIOLENCE AND DIRECT ACTION, OPEN DISCUSSION: “What is violence and what is self-defense? What can we justify on the path to liberation? Guided open discussion.”
This is a free event because fuck capitalism. This event is a safe space, we encourage people to be mindful of others and their needs, to extend mutual aid in whatever way is needed and to use gender neutral pronouns unless specified differently.
Farmers encouraged to leave the flat cap at home before coming along. Cops totally discouraged from coming. Fascists not welcome. Furry, wing and or aquatic animals at the discretion of the venue.
Anyone wanting to help with travel costs can do so donating a few coins to our paypal on unoffensive_animal@tutanota.com
Or if you’re able, why not join our monthly donation scheme on Patreon?