Vyhlásenie iniciatívy nájdete nižšie v texte, ako aj na webe www.slovenskateplaren.sk. Tu nájdete aj ďalšie informácie: mapu podujatí, kalendár koncertov či aktualizovaný zoznam zapojených klubov a účinkujúcich.
„Chceme vyjadriť spolupatričnosť rodinám a blízkym Matúša a Juraja, ktorí boli zavraždení z nenávisti v bare Tepláreň v Bratislave.
Chceme vyjadriť úctu a rešpekt tým, ktorí z Teplárne vytvorili otvorené miesto na stretávanie sa slobodných ľudí.
Chceme vyjadriť podporu LGBTI+ ľuďom.
Chceme, aby bolo Slovensko krajinou, kde sa každý a každá môže cítiť bezpečne a kde je príslušnosť k akejkoľvek menšine prijímaná s rešpektom ako prirodzená súčasť spoločnosti.
Chceme dosiahnuť zmenu legislatívy tak, aby zabezpečila plnohodnotný život všetkým ľuďom na Slovensku vrátane LGBTI+ menšiny.
Chceme kráčať cestou nenásilia, spolupatričnosti a tolerancie, a preto organizujeme festival Slovenská Tepláreň.“
The Slovak art scene is reacting to the terrorist act in which Matúš Horváth and Juraj Vankulič were murdered in a hate crime outside the LGBTI+ bar Tepláreň in Bratislava city center. Dozens of performers and bands will come together in clubs all over Slovakia in the middle of November as part of the Slovenská Tepláreň event. The goal of the joint initiative of the Pohoda Festival, Roman Samotný from Tepláreň bar, and other partners is to express solidarity with the bereaved and show support for the LGBTI+ community through concerts dedicated to Matúš and Juraj. The concerts will take place from 12 to 20 November 2022.
The statement of the initiative can be found below, as well as at www.slovenskateplaren.sk.
„We want to express our solidarity with the families and loved ones of Matúš and Juraj, who were murdered in a hate crime in Bratislava’s Tepláreň bar.
We want to express our respect and esteem to those who made Tepláreň a welcoming place where free people can meet.
We want to express our support for the LGBTI+ community.
We want Slovakia to be a country where everyone can feel safe and where minorities are accepted with respect as a natural part of society.
We want to see legislation changed to ensure a dignified and full-fledged life for all people in Slovakia, including the LGBTI+ community.
We want to walk the path of non-violence, togetherness, and tolerance, and that is why we are organizing the Slovenská Tepláreň festival.“
We want to express our respect and esteem to those who made Tepláreň a welcoming place where free people can meet.
We want to express our support for the LGBTI+ community.
We want Slovakia to be a country where everyone can feel safe and where minorities are accepted with respect as a natural part of society.
We want to see legislation changed to ensure a dignified and full-fledged life for all people in Slovakia, including the LGBTI+ community.
We want to walk the path of non-violence, togetherness, and tolerance, and that is why we are organizing the Slovenská Tepláreň festival.“