Fran Palermo for the first time in Bratislava!
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Fran Palermo je kapela ktorá vznikla v roku 2011 v Budapešti iniciatívou speváka a pesničkára Henriho Gonza. Hrajú multižánrovo, hlavne indie, afro pop, rock and roll s troškou stredomorskej vibrácie. Odlišnosť tejto kapely je v ich orginálnom zvuku ale aj v jej členoch a ich rozdielnom pôvode. Zdedili kultúrny základ z Kuby, Španielska, Grécka a Maďarska.
Momentálne je Fran Palermo jednou z najväčších Budapeštianských kapiel. Nie len ich fanúšikovia sa tešia z ich sviežeho jungle-rock soundu ale docenili ho aj v porote národnej talentovej súťaže. Fran Palermo boli vybraní ako Objav roka na Petőfi Music Awards a rok no to boli nominovaní ako „Best Hungarian Act”.
Line up:
21:00- Lenka Tomšíková a Flowers
22:00 Fran Palermo
23:30: NAA DJ SET
If you are lazy to read just listen here:
Fran Palermo was formed by the singer-songwriter Henri Gonzo in late 2011 in Budapest, Hungary. The band’s music and style are characterized by different genres, mostly by indie, rock and roll, afro pop and even by Mediterranean vibes. The specialty of the band comes not only from their unique and original soundscape, but from the diverse origin of the mem-bers. They have a vivid inherited cultural background such as Cuban, Spanish, Greek and Hungarian. By now Fran Palermo has become one of Budapest’s main concert bands. But not only their fanbase is amazed by their fresh, incomparable tropical jungle-rock sound – they also took part in a national talent show where they received the highest votes from the jury; the band was chosen as the “Discovery of the Year” at the Petőfi Music Awards and a year later the received a nomination as the „Best Hungarian Act”.