Ako hosť vystúpi na BWO vo Fuge Kasimyn, polovica dvojice Gabber Modus Operandi z Bali!
Spojenie tradícií indonézskej hudby s klubovým zvukom v ich trackoch preniklo po roku 2018 do celosvetovej klubovej diaspóry, na Club Transmediale v Berlíne, Boileroom a dostalo sa až do uší Björk. Tá si ich vybrala do družiny producentov jej posledného albumu Fossora.
Po vystúpení v Tokyu s Björk v apríli si Kasimyn znova odskočí do Bratislavy, len pár dní po vydaní vlastného albumu BUNYI BUNYI TUMBAL, na ktorom tematizuje násilie páchané Holandskom počas ich vlády v Indonézii.
Kasimyn vo svojich energických setoch kombinuje všetko od gabberu zo Sri Lanky, cez Evian Christ trance, zvuk Afriky z Nyege Nyege až po acid. Jeden z nich odohrá aj vo Fuge.
18:00 štart na dvorčeku, neskôr v klube
ENG: Kasimyn, one half of the Gabber Modus Operandi duo from Bali, will be a guest performer at BWO in Fuga!
ENG: Kasimyn, one half of the Gabber Modus Operandi duo from Bali, will be a guest performer at BWO in Fuga!
Fusing the traditions of Indonesian music with the club sound in their tracks has permeated the global club diaspora after 2018, at Club Transmediale in Berlin, Boileroom and reached the ears of Björk. The latter chose them for the production retinue of her latest album Fossora.
After performing in Tokyo with Björk in April, Kasimyn will be popping up in Bratislava again, just days after the release of her own album BUNYI BUNYI TUMBAL, on which she thematises the violence perpetrated by the Dutch during their rule in Indonesia.
Kasimyn combines everything from Sri Lankan gabber, Evian Christ trance, the sound of Africa from Nyege Nyege and acid in his energetic sets. He’ll also play one of these in Fuga.