Uroboros Festival & FUGA present:
18:00 András Cséfalvay (live)
19:00 The Blackwood Incident (live)
This program is part of the UROBOROS Festival: Designing in Troubling Times 2021.
This program is part of the UROBOROS Festival: Designing in Troubling Times 2021.
Festival Uroboros: Designing in Troubling explores what and how we can design in these troubling times to support positive change. Our offerings during the two festival weeks in 5.-18. May include 49 online co-creative events, such as workshops, lectures, panel discussions, audiovisual performances and more. Festival is organized by the design collective Uroboros as a part of #DATAMAZE project taking place in DOX – Center for Contemporary Art, Prague.
The program of FUGA and Uroboros Festival are supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council
Program je súčasťou festivalu UROBOROS: Designing in Troubling Times 2021.
Uroboros – festival sociálne angažovaného dizajnu s podtitulom „Dizajn v znepokojivej dobe“ prebieha online od 5. do 18. mája 2021 a kladie si za cieľ preskúmať spôsoby, akými dizajn a umenie môže meniť spoločnosť. Festival je organizovaný rovnomenným kolektívom dizajnérov a teoretikov Uroboros, ako súčasť projektu #DATAMAZE situovanom v pražskom centre pre súčasné umenie DOX.
Program z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.