Madhouse Express: za doterajšie najväčšie úspechy, ktoré o štvorici z Prahy všeličo vypovie, sú vypredané špeciálne koncerty v pražskom planetáriu, 2 songy v soundtracku k filmu Okupácia, ktorý získal Českého leva za filmovú hudbu, účinkovanie na hlavných alternatívnych akciách aj koncerty v zahraničí.
Tvorba kapely je založená na hudobných experimentoch, dynamicky prelína psychedéliu, rock’n’roll, space rock a neobmedzene prestupuje do ďalších smerov. Svoju kreativitu navyše podčiarkuje strhujúcou energiou počas živých koncertov…
Music video (live Planetárium Praha)
Music video
Hypnotic Floor: King Gizzard & Lizzard Wizard v pohanskom rituáli? Mladá nadaná formácia z Viedne sa prezentuje nápaditou formou psychedelického rocku, s výrazne prestupujúcimi elementmi prog rocku, krautrocku, blues, folku, stonerovými attackmi a ozvenami dark country. Komplexná psychedelická zmeska a meniace sa nálady v štruktúrach skladieb vytvára pútavú až ľahko mysterióznu atmosféru…
Music video
Live session
Poster made by legendary Pavel Podzimek
Eng vers
One of the most prominent czech psychedelic bands have teamed up with young progressive band from the Austrian psychedelic scene. They are heading together to Czechoslovak mini tour within they will land on stage at Fuga! Pay attention and come to enjoy live psychedelic experience!
One of the most prominent czech psychedelic bands have teamed up with young progressive band from the Austrian psychedelic scene. They are heading together to Czechoslovak mini tour within they will land on stage at Fuga! Pay attention and come to enjoy live psychedelic experience!
Madhouse Express: one of the most distinctive bands on Czech psychedelic scene. Their style is mix of fuzzy, hazy 60s hypnosis, rock´n ´roll, space rock and unlimited touches to other genres with experimental elements which together make up their unique and fresh sound. Live you can enjoy impressive stage show including catchy bass lines, forceful drum beats, intense guitar riffs, sounds effects, reverb waves and the dramatic excentric merciless appearance of the singer doing his magic on a theremin.
Madhouse Express: one of the most distinctive bands on Czech psychedelic scene. Their style is mix of fuzzy, hazy 60s hypnosis, rock´n ´roll, space rock and unlimited touches to other genres with experimental elements which together make up their unique and fresh sound. Live you can enjoy impressive stage show including catchy bass lines, forceful drum beats, intense guitar riffs, sounds effects, reverb waves and the dramatic excentric merciless appearance of the singer doing his magic on a theremin.
Hypnotic Floor: the Vienna quintet combines influences of Psych-, Kraut- and Progressive Rock. Their music is shaped by fuzzy riffs, spaced out synths and changing timesignatures, covering a varied range of sounds. The contrast between complex melodic lines and hypnotic and repetitive grooves is predominant throughout their meandering songs. In February 2020 they released their debut album „Foggy Bog Eyes“ followed by 2021`s ODD CONJECTURES. Since 2021 they have been with STONE FREE Records.