Deep Dive sa tentokrát vracia s trojkoncertom, ktorý nám prinesie experiment, originalitu a kapelu s originálnym zvukom. Pestrá medzinárodná reprezentácia sa navyše vyznačuje silným ženským zastúpením, ktoré sa vlastne udialo úplne prirodzene, ale o to viac nás potešilo. Hlboký nádych, 24. októbra sa vo Fuge predstaví Sabiwa z Taiwanu, MA’AM z Maďarska a Dame Area z Barcelony.
SABIWA is an experimental electronic producer and performer from 未知. Her first approach to music was inside an aquarium; she started playing Cello at the age of 12, developing later a deep interest in electronic music, sound designed and field recording. She produces, records and dissects sounds from natural and synthetic sources, making them interact with complex texture and abstract patterns, also using her voice processed as guiding path in her compositions. She is also curating the live visual for her performances. She composed soundtracks for art performances and documentaries, collaborating with numerous artists and musicians. She is actually working in between Berlin, Taipei and Torino as audio-visual producer.
MA’AM (Anna Makay) is a Budapest-based vocalist, electronic musician and improvisor whose pieces are focusing on ancient languages in digital environment. She concentrate on private spheres, sexuality, traumatized generations, language reflexions and personal experiences as ideas for the community.
She started make music at her early teenage metal-girl ages, after an alternative-pop-jazz-experimental era she started to get interested recording outside atmospheres and the study of digital sounds. At the same time she got involved to free improvisation groups too.
Her first solo album ‘Murmur’ is a ghostly collection of anxiety diaries and eerie intuitions – was released at the end of 2018.
DAME AREA (Màgia Roja/Spain)
Dame Area is the Barcelonian duo of Silvia Konstance Costan and Viktor L. Crux. A musical conglomerate of diverse influences from the realm of electronic experimentations: industrial, wave pop, synth surrealisms and further on, and further on. On this tour they will be joined by Jesse Webb (Gnod, Anthroprophh), who will be drumming. Can’t wait for this!
Vstupné: V predpredaji cet Tootoot 5€, na mieste 7€
Deep Dive je súčastou Projektu Batyskaf 2019, ktorý podporil z verejných zdrojov Fond na podporu umenia.
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